Progressive Newton Platform

Adopted May 1, 2022

When we build an equitable, just, democratic, and sustainable municipality and commonwealth, we not only improve the quality of life here at home, but also set a progressive standard for other communities, states, and the country as a whole.

Our Economic Justice Agenda

An economic system that primarily benefits the few cannot support the dignity and potential of the many. Massachusetts is one of the most affluent states in the country, but we are also one of the most unequal. Newton is one of its most affluent municipalities, but not all our residents can make ends meet. Let’s make sure that everyone can share in our common wealth by guaranteeing high-quality public K-12 and higher education, universal health care, affordable housing, and good-paying jobs. Let’s also make sure that the wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share to support our collective prosperity.

Progressive Newton members support:

HIGH-QUALITY, FREE, PUBLICLY-FUNDED EDUCATION, Pre-K through post-secondary, with unionized faculty and staff, as well as a minimization of outsourcing of regular services.


HIGH-QUALITY, FREE, PUBLICLY-FUNDED ELDERCARE SERVICES with well-compensated care workers and dignity for all beneficiaries.

AFFORDABLE, HIGH-QUALITY HOUSING, in safe, walkable, and vibrant neighborhoods.

AFFIRMATIVELY FURTHERING FAIR HOUSING to ensure everyone regardless of race, religion, sex, marital status, ancestry, national origin, color, familial status, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity have equal access to housing in Newton.

EQUITY AND RIGHTS FOR RENTERS including right to counsel, just-cause eviction protections, and rent stabilization.

JOBS THAT PAY A LIVING WAGE with reasonable hours and strong benefits, which are close to fare-free public transportation.

ACCURATE EMPLOYMENT CLASSIFICATION to ensure that employers cannot misclassify workers to deny them rights, benefits, and living wages.

AN EQUITABLE AND PROGRESSIVE TAX SYSTEM, which raises sufficient revenue to invest in our future and restrains the disproportionate, money-driven political influence of individuals and corporations.

THE RIGHT TO ORGANIZE AND COLLECTIVELY BARGAIN AND STRIKE, including easier processes to form unions and build worker power.


Our All Means All Agenda for Racial and Social Justice

When we structure our laws and legal systems for equity and inclusion, rather than control and exclusion, we’re all safer. We must deliver on the promise of liberty and justice for all and dismantle legacies of structural racism. This mission means advancing an approach to public safety that prioritizes health and strong communities and a criminal legal system focused on rehabilitation rather than retribution. We must also strengthen protections for civil rights so that marginalized communities can fully participate in public life. Diversity is the source of our strength. 

Progressive Newton members support:

JUSTICE FOR ALL, wherein underrepresented and/or vulnerable communities are protected under the law and treated with dignity and respect and given the tools for economic mobility.

A PUBLIC HEALTH-CENTERED APPROACH TO PUBLIC SAFETY, that provides equal access to justice and healthcare, including mental health and addiction services.

ALTERNATIVES TO POLICING  for settings and situations where traditional policing is unnecessary, unwanted, or unhelpful.

A FAIR AND REHABILITATIVE JUSTICE SYSTEM, which ensures justice is applied equally and with an objective of lifelong rehabilitation by shifting away from punitive justice toward restorative justice, that all defendants have immediate access to quality representation, and that poverty is not criminalized.

A SENSIBLE AND HUMAN-FOCUSED IMMIGRATION SYSTEM, wherein all people (including undocument immigrants, asylum-seekers, and refugees) are protected under the law and treated with dignity and respect and given an efficient path to permanent residency and citizenship.

A DIVERSE AND WELCOMING SOCIETY for all, including historically marginalized communities and persons.

A FULLY ACCESSIBLE SOCIETY that allows all people with disabilities to fully participate in civic, social, and economic life and to have all their basic needs met.

FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION AND FREEDOM FROM BLANKET SURVEILLANCE FOR ALL, and specifically labor unions; left-wing, environmental, indigenous, and racial justice activists; and LGBTQ+ individuals or groups.

Our Sustainable Infrastructure & Environment Agenda

When we accelerate our transition to a clean and green economy, we all benefit from healthier lives and a healthier planet.

We need our commonwealth and local policies to reflect the crisis that we are in by reducing pollution and greenhouse gasses; creating clean energy jobs as part of a Green New Deal; promoting climate-smart development choices; and investing in well-funded, fare-free public transit infrastructure; and protecting our natural environment.

Progressive Newton members support:

AN ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE that reduces pollution, promotes clean energy, reduces greenhouse gasses, and protects our natural environment.

A COMPREHENSIVE PUBLIC TRANSIT SYSTEM, that is reliable, well-maintained, and free for all.

ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE within and between Massachusetts communities for climate adaptation policies and pollution management.

A VIBRANT NATURAL ENVIRONMENT INTEGRATED WITH A HEALTHY BUILT ENVIRONMENT that protects ample open space, reduces pollution, improves our communities, and nurtures residents of the Commonwealth and the City of Newton.

PUBLIC, COMMUNITY, AND CO-OPERATIVE FARMING opportunities as an alternative to agribusiness and factory farms.

Our Good Government, Strong Democracy Agenda

When we have a democracy in which everyone can participate, we all benefit from the better policies that result.

Massachusetts has a prime role in the history of democracy in our country, and our policies should reflect and build upon that legacy. We should be a national leader in voting rights,  cultivate a strong civic culture and infrastructure, and empower every person to realize their capacity to make change by reducing the outsized influence of money in campaigns. We should also make the government and the legislative process more transparent, accessible, and accountable to the residents of the Commonwealth and the City of Newton.

Progressive Newton members support:

A GOVERNMENT that fills its responsibility to represent the interests of the Commonwealth, the City of Newton, and our residents, with transparency and accountability at all levels.

AN ELECTORAL SYSTEM that expands voting access and participation, grows the electorate (including prisoners, who held voting rights in Massachusetts until 2000, and including 16- and 17-year-olds), and builds trust in candidates and elected officials.

A CAMPAIGN FINANCE SYSTEM that reduces the influence of money and returns elections to issues and the electorate.

PROGRESSIVE, LOCAL FLEXIBILITY TO LEAD by reforming the restrictive home rule system that prevents Massachusetts municipalities from testing out new ideas locally without first obtaining approval from the entire legislature and Governor.